Sunday, July 1, 2012

GIRI-SONKOT ............

 LEGALIZE POLYGAMY ...IN WORLD OF MULTITASKING HOW ABOUT ....A NEW CONCEPT OF MULTIGAMY meaning various type of GAMETOGENIC activities like homo/hetero/bestality in /one night/ offisex / incest and bla bla bla ...............all booked currently under perversion and unnatural sexsual offence by legal institutions .........under a more liberal legal defination to permit what ever combination of sexsual/social reunion possible by wretched men ,women and animals as long as none gets hurt and keep production level at sustainable level .........where exiting possibilities like "HASAZARU" "BOKOCHOOP" would be that justice system can concentrate on real UNIVERSAL JUSTIFICATION of existence then all these never ending fiascos ..........due to default socital moral setting .......MORALITY IS DEAD END ....A STERILE if debashree roy is happy with dogs and vijay malla with horse .... so be it.......frankly speaking todays modern women are that..........i mean "bokochhop " i found many chimeric titles like SAHA-ROY-BOSE, SEN REY.........and oh yeah OKAPI too