• Hmnnnnnnnn..........
ppl now a days show nukes...at the drop of a hat ....i guess every...shopping mall in china, pakistan iran and our india..sells..it..as they might sell friendship bands or rubber condoms.......
Wow we are the son and daughter of a developed super power ...
I find my fellow educated Indian's shout .. no different...from rustic goons of ranvir sena in central indian badland...or so called denizens of modern times Bastille of Pentagon or Lubyanka .. who exist on exploitation and intimidation .
Hey world!!!........
most of us Indian u see in your country are also like that...
They are scared shit to work for their country...mostly u will find them sneering at fellow countrymen the less fortunate ones in India . They brag how illiterate the country is ,how corrupt it is,how there is dearth of opportunities,how exploitation is so rampant ...bla bla bla....
However when they were child born to some middleclass mother...they were given lessons on exploitation of the poor and women here ....there parents kept little kid as small as 5,6,7 YEARS away from their home...for monthly wedge less than 3 or 4 dollars..
They made them clean their dirty asses ABUSING them all the time...while the fat ass brats mugged up ..2 get into govt funded institutions....get fat degrees for throw away prices.....not that they are brilliant or something however they are expert copy cats...ferociously dedicated not to let the reigns of tyranny slip away from their hands...
Yeah they can pick up an ascent or a reverse engineered blue prints in a jiffy ...they work on template...never expect an original idea from them. They are simply incapable of such stuffs...they are like obliging pimps and would spread there legs at the drop of a shilling...
Naturally such CHEAP labor class are hired and pumped...so such frogs hop off to the western west..There fat parents...brag about it.....and en-cash rich dividends by selling this equity ...taking heavy dowry.
Some like the Hydrabadi and South indians and seikhs...have taken it to another level.These brilliant guys hunt for gullible juicy girlies ...weds them flashing green card, yellow card...wot not..
.gets the booty and after taking the juice out grill them...KENTUCKY FRY STYLE....
send charred remains to hapless parents.RED CARDS like those come in hordes every day in cargos cabin of flights bound to india..
marries again ...the game goes on...
Such are the pious indians who wont even hurt a cow.
While on other side that poor child who used to work for that family grows up undernourished looks like an aged granny with 4 or 5 starving kids....and an drunk hubby rickshaw puller who has left her for another bitch.
For them the govt has shity education that they never complete....or health care where that fat boys friends are doctor .
They generally do a roaring pvt practice when on national duty for which they are payed handsomely.
He robs her clean to keep the US based pharma companies afloat ...peddling health care.
Racketeering is his full time job..a lifes work.....
He often shoots off to seminers abroad to give his big talks..and his discovery of virulent bugs on shanty shits.
While that puffed up PAPPU boy sits in an a/c office in some foreign locale .He really works hard to raise some money for those fat cats ...going ballistic with national pride ....bore u with super power shit and nukes.......still looking like a fresh lily..chubby cutie pie..
at the same spewing FUKUSHIMA about indias power.Our sardr PM cant get enough of those blue eyed kids...and lavishes exemptions after exemptions for his well beings...kisses his wet ass asks him to come home for sumptious dinners on pauper indians soup balls.He ensures his kiddos get the best education here at IITS and stuffs...offers important commities to show direction to our hapless nation.
He claims to have read UPANISHADS…and chants hymns to floor the house …He is a devout follower of a fraud called sai BABA or some other sex baba...from whom these successful men of substance draws divine inspiration
Such are the Indian middle class....When the wife get pregnant they go for ultrasono sex diagnosis.They go for female foetecide..in shady clinics…cos female are unwelcome.
COS revenge and JUSTICE CAN HARDLY B OF CONCERN ..WHEN YOU FIGHT EVERY DAY JUST TO KEEP ALIVE...INFACT THEY STRANGELY REJOICE the excesses of this morons its like a fairy tale in real time for them.
The fat asses knows it savours every moment of there presidential visit here in India.This children of imperfection how ever never had the the balls to redress this distortion so they scurry back to perfect worlds of others ,just as a criminal clandestinely visit the murder scene..........Paranoia strikes with belly full of indignation ...and when it gets too much they go fukushima at every one... when they really get angry ...they swear by Pakistani...and express desire to fuck some Pakistanis mothers...and some more civilized ones take the path of Ghandi and organizes candle march...with silly old fools like Anna hazare.Come back home bloated with content telling every one at the office the next day how they saved the country from doom. Even fake saint Anna gets hot at mention of that Paki place...bristles with such secret desires...
i guess stiff penis leaks in time.
u guys rulz………
ur the rocket fuel of the emerging super power INDIA.
Yeah they are very modern.How ever it is always skin deep...some how it never gets deeper into the head ...how much you try cos mostly it is full of holy cow shit.
So world that’s the stuff we send you....
don’t feel disappointed..perhaps you guys are ...like that too......
perhaps THE STORY OF LES MISERABLES IS being played relentlessly from time immemorial.
And little Cosettes are born every day to wilt into wilderness of greed and indifference.
For ur info country man.
MY FB PROFILE AINT FAKE ……unlike some nationalist mickey mouses.
Change of winds or temperature dont perturb any more ..
I am no Pakistani cos I happen 2 b born in INDIAN boundary .Nor do i have a wish to get out of my well...unless the calling is bigger then thy self or my mother.
I am perhaps a HINDU.Not yet surely cos it's heck of a job...i am not sure i will make it..however i will try.I am appointed by the governor of Bengal,to act on its behalf and see to her people in accordance to my paper certificate..
which frankly is worth a trife. ..not that I care a damn about it.But strangely there is something about this job one can't ignore.
SO why shout like a fool ??
so many nationalist friends have asked thus
I dont know may b a bug got into my thick head..
maybe becos
I was a slob who slept 18 hours...still i stick to that..
may b i overslept and the bug got through
giving me a brain fever
making me act like a buffon
Since i am bugged
I find my self a constant around which every thing changes. Loyalties,state,kings, countries,day ,night,time, space and yeah also thought.
LIKE LIL Cosette OF "les miserables"
As she sweeps dirty floor with tiny hands ,falling asleep in a girly dream of castles in air with floors of cloud....so that it would be jolly fun for her to sweep.
so guys plz shoot the bug off
before more and more like me gets infected...
before it turns in to an epidemic ...
cos once the plauge catches fire there will b no FIRE EXIT
SO BUGG OFF !!!!!!!!!!!
Sources: Pats to cut longtime captain Andrews
The Patriots plan to release longtime center David Andrews, sources told
33 minutes ago
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