She sang me a lullaby
all through the night
with all the knights
& their bloody lore
lifeless..on straws ,on floor
in cold slumber
or in thunderous snore
On her lap did I lye
no I didn’t die
jus pretended a sleep
she kept humming endlessly
She did’nt care to pour her soul out,
into the still dead night
She didn’t even shy to unfold her wings
She took my dusty head
She did care
to give it her lap
guard the night’s lamp
with her long dark hair
her wings
in slow swing
gave in a soothing air
I did’nt dare a stare
Could’nt afford her a scare
I took it all in sly
For away she might fly
Taking away that lullaby
I wanted to hear all night
She made me so calm
Felt so sure and strong
I wanted her to sing till the dawn
So when the day breaks into a war
I can have my sabers drawn
Take down all those wrongs
Take all the blows & all the old scars
Opening ugly again
Change ma destiny ! change ma stars !
So that ma fairy reigns.
As For now her soul she transfuses into thee
As she sings me a lullaby.
Montour nets NHL's fastest OT goal at 4 seconds
Brandon Mountour's goal just four seconds into overtime set an NHL record
for fastest OT goal, lifting the Kraken past the Canadiens 5-4.
36 minutes ago
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