Translation Drft...Wud
Translation Drft...Wud
boisakh 1326(bengali calender)
Today in the domain of human knowledge a festival of light is going on .Every nation should light up the biggest torch it can to join this festive bonfire. If even a single candle from an aspiring nation is put off then certainly all the festivities loses its shine and is a damaging loss to the whole world.
It has been proved beyond doubt that from time immemorial India has used its intellect to engaged in world's problem. She have reached her own conclusions through relentless toil. That is considered a true education which can ascend the pinnacle of truth residing in the mind of a nation and express that truth with vivid perspicacity. Repetition or following template is not education of mind because it can be well be carried out by machines.
When ancient India contemplated about the universe it‘s mind thought so in a synchronized unison with binding harmony. Today however that mind is frayed. All the prevailing roots and rootlets are oblivious of the feeling of connect to the main stem of human realization.As in human body a single dysfunctional system can wreck havoc to normal existence. Similarly in India today that composed mind is split into Hindu, Buddhist ,Jain ,Sikh ,Muslim , Christian and numerous exclusive and secluded whirlpool of conflicting perceptions .Hence such mind is incapable of receiving or disseminating the universal essence of knowledge.We need all our ten fingers to offer the flowers of supplication to the almighty such synthesis is needed for accepting as well as giving away divine grace. Similarly Indian knowledge which flows through various streams should be compiled into a confluence of treasure-trove from vast reserve in Vedic, Buddhist, Jain, Muslim and other ancient knowledge systems. Education should be the leading stream into this universal consciousness that flows incessantly and timelessly through the core of Indian heartland culminating into an unique creation called awareness which brings forth into existence a mind called BHARAT . This is how we will be aware of the unity in diversity of a wonderful existence called BHARITYA. If we don’t learn about ourselves in such an extensive yet specific manner ,if we don't see from outside in, we would only be begging for alms in the name of education preparing ourselves for a mere slave like existence and not truly educating ourselves for a freer and more meaningful hence a full filing life.We can never be rich begging and beggars are never satisfied.
boisakh 1326(bengali calender)
Secondly the true arena of education is that where innovation of knowledge is an ongoing process. The primary job of a University is in the generation of newer truth, dispensing that know-how through routine teaching is but a distant second unimportant occupation. It should be the melting pot of all those great beings who engage in investigation, invention and creation of infinite universe with single minded devotion and tremendous effort that can only emanate from a very courageous,daring and restless inquisitive soul that needs to be satisfied. Where and when such humans meet in their quest there will come forth in thousand gushing streams an unstoppable torrent . That fountain head of deluge will be the true University of the land .Such institutions of education will carry forward humanity in its spate to a wider and freer perspective of truth . Replicating blindly some university in foreign shores will never be adequate or proper for such novel rush.
Thirdly every country’s education is seamlessly incorporated into its way of life. However in our country it runs so shallow that one finds it to be tailor-made to serve certain community of businessmen in the form of a handful of office writers ,lawyers ,doctors ,deputies ,sepoys ,accountants and few such reserved (also called civil society).It is they who find any worldly use of knowledge emanating from such universities.Such deliberately skewed and caged education stands disconnected from day to day BHARATIYA existance. It never finds its way into the villages where our tillers, pellet presser or the spinner potter lives.It is they who need it most and education also needs them the most at the same.They have the motivation to make education reach excellence since necessity drives all inventions .In other educated countries such a disaster is never heard of .The primary reason being our newly laid Universities.They aspire for the giants castle in air.All such places hangs on twigs clinging to foreign beanstalk for a share of that imaginary giant’s scrap and leftover crumbs of humiliation.This disconnected island of ineffectual education are the epitome of utter uselessness . If a true Indian school is set up it has to have its own indigenous Economics, Agri-science, Health science in place and all its practical education should be sowed into the surrounding country side so that such education finds it’s true meaning and hence take root and spread into the heartland of home imbibing into her daily stride making her self sustaining and thereby giving rise to self respecting BHARATIYA. This school will excel in bringing about innovation in agriculture, animal husbandry, textile-industry there by bringing about self-sufficiency by equitable sharing of profits achieved through an efficient co-operative chain of production procurement and distribution. There by student and the community will integrate through schooling, vocation and livelihood.