Thursday, June 9, 2011





I was an internee then .. i was rushing in that early morning  for some ward NRS HOSPITAL..I popped out of the bus....where the tram rails bend near Tipu Masjid in Dharmatala... duped with early morning sleep...groggy from previous days work which was dumped on us  ...every thing was hazy i was working more on an irritable reflex was daily automation...
Me and my buddy maintained the momentum as we hit the road trying to kill the superfluous movement imparted on us by the city's yellow blue wood bus............continued along the rails till it got straight.
It was nearing 6  in the morning and the city was breaking its lull in few peddlers sorting the morning paper,  husky vendors of market in lungy..with large round wicker baskets ...milkman returning with rattling tin cans kicking up a slow whirrr in there busy wheels..Two shanty footballers..with torn boots slung over the shoulder were silently debating weather to wait for a free bus trip at the cost of few abuses or trod through to Maidan across the esplanade....
Few paltry writers in some obscure pvt firm with busted file case...zips..dangling in a monotonous pendulous motion from obscurity of wipe out to flush of struggle.. Some unfortunate family men..who has to start early for chores at some distant place were in the vicinity....An iceman dragged his iron trolly to a nearby ice factory raising a tremendous rebellion . It was calcutta waking up as it does every day...A forced automation built in every calcutta denizen.

However this mechanisation came to a screeching halt as i looked up to the person i nearly bumped into with my friend following through.... i happened to land bang in front of
I almost did knock him over.

He was tall, fair & spiny to put it in short....
It was the year of 2000 or 2001 then..

but he has painted himself  more then that

He looked like an ageless long green leaf...
was a near definition of his stature as i saw him then..
stooping in a remarkable grace........
His eyes were like lens made of a child's marble..that flirted and focused and flirted again as it gazed at the world..something like a squirrel the end as if confused ...ended in a distant gaze that seem to rest on a lover at some galaxy light years away..his brow was curious..his long aquiline nose was like a proboscis of a winged existence...
The whiskers of his beard over the mandible were all white and it seemed soft like the fleece of a Pashmina goat..his face was framed by a jaw that appeared to be hitched up as it ended.. his neck was like an asp. twitching like a pandan in subtle wind rest of his body was wiry as i mentioned before and it  was draped in resplendent white of a flowing chikon punjabee the whiteness  gushed down his thin legs..tapering all the time on a tight fitting pyjama which was like a skin hugging churidar of  young Indian delicate girls who use the excuse to show their sensuous legs.
His bare feet flowed out of the suffocating restrain of that churidar in a large handsome manner and ended in long shapely nails.Which were like David's sculpted masculine marble claws  taking root on beaten..calcutta black asphalt..
The only thing black in his hand was a wand or perhaps a brush i fail to remember to this day.
I am today amazed at the veracity of my memory of that brief encounter a decade ago and of my observation of the painter as an ageless green ketaki..standing out in sharp contrast against..humiliation of a mechanized man and his degenerate masculinity at the premise of the street surrounded by minarets of mosque and spires of church.
His mere presence  had spelt an alchemy to bring on a vision at the corner of Tipu Masjid which my thousand wandering  failed to conjure.
I went forward said hello to him and asked for an autograph...he was a bit awkward at this recognition amidst indifferent mechanics of morning.However he managed a brief laughed at me and said that he didn't have a pen so i gave him mine squeezed from a reluctant medical representative the other day at outpatient hour...I stretched forward my medicine mug book which i always held in my hand back then...
He signed it with a swish..
Oh how ! I hoped ....
he would sketch what i saw just  few moment ago cos it was disappearing soon .........much like the morning mist in sun ...
how ever he didn't ...

that made me angry i guess ...
i asked him agitated why wont he make a sketch for me.
at that he stared at me for a moment as if from some minaret in the sky ...
his companion made an uneasy stir...

My friend was slow to seize the moment or perhaps i spoiled it for him ..cos by the time he brought out his book from his satchel hoping for the second autograph the two men were fast disappearing through a thin alley by the side of the mosques minarets ...
My friend by now had is book back in the satchel unaffected and was tugging me by my sleeve as a wood bus bound for NRS Medical college from Babu Ghat was rounding the corner and the hand of the clock on the church's spire beyond the boughs of the black plum trees never had enough to serve me a handsome helping.


द्विरददन्तवलक्षमलक्ष्यत स्फुरितभृङ्ग्मृगच्छवि केतकम्।

घनघनौघविघट्टनया दिवः कृश्शिखं शशिखण्डमिव च्युतम्॥

Dvirada-danta-valakṣam alakṣyata sphurita-bhṛṅga-mṛgac-chavi ketakam |
Ghana-ghan’-augha-vighaṭṭanayā divaḥ kṛśa-śikhaṃ śaśi-khaṇḍam iva cyutam ||
The ketakī flower, ivory-white and glowing with the iridescence of a bee, seems to be the thin sliver at the top of the moon that, battered by the thick mass of clouds, has fallen from the sky.



Thursday, June 2, 2011




hmmm...what happened?What non sense you are talking today?

what is happening sir.....why are we so dysatisfied with the system ??? after all it made you and me ...are we bad .?? and dont tell me baba ramdev and anna hazare is better then CJI of india ...
all the ias officers and state level administrators are bad 
my dad had been one ,...nope they werent bad
how much annas and baba shout ..
i know me and pepole who run it for few penny ....they are not monsters as the baba and monstrous Anna would have me belive....simply i cant call my self a chor by babas and annas ...when i am not ...nor my govt is a chor nor anything is grossly wrong with constitution
we should be our man not Anna's or Baba's

if they are clean 
then why the hell they scared with jan lokpal

cos it comes from 4 men 
one women 
who got her kid in aiims through backdoor gymnastics


there is no saint in the Ramlila Maidan
you might find them in himalays or even next to you ...
match my words after few years ..DOWN TIME SCALE
time will show

but this does not stop me being trying to be nice
this does not stop me trying to get a corruption free india
as a industralist we know what we go through
we are worst then a prostitute

they arent nice to the people 
who elected them by saying people are trash cos they have elected shit

sali kol ke deti hai aur customer se paise leti hai
for us we are screwed by offciers, workers, customers and then bankers

so that is the point its an middle class industrialist's movement ....
if you say so ..openly we might have supported it

u don't know what a middle class businessman and industrialist go through in this nation
i m saying so

i know forget i am a single man industry guy
i know the bankers trap ...and how they make a slave of you
all your life time ...pretending help
but is it for the system ??
or us middle class who bend it for survival
once we accept the trap
of a banker
why not there are ANNA'S who fast against bankers and shylocks ?
Who accept the loot these money on interest
Then loan back 2 india in the name of infrastructure development...building the nation...encouraging entrepreneurship...bla bla bla...
they are looting us through the corrupt ...netas.. babus...babas..babes ..filmstars....hunks ...tatababus
then lending our looted money to us at humungous interest ...again furthuring the loot in exponential curve
or by buying rites to suck out the earthly bounty of india ..viscious cycle...we all have papermoney 2 flash now a days but we are getting poorer
in the name of loan and aid for welfare...
The Sings in delhi knows it ...but they are mere signing puppets....DANDYS reared in western shit centers ...machines of capttalist greed  
you bring in the flawed alternate system with Bhushans same story will roll .....only the bhushans will b the signing puppet....and things will get even worse...cos only these system is holding us away from total wipe out
so coveted by megalomaniac ethical rebels like annas and babas
so get the BANKERS by the balls ....kick out annas ....we have a system that can deliver such fatal blow...but seems like some one shrewd is out there to break this last defence of the commons.
why are you hell bent on breaking this excellent system of governance ???? the only remaining drape before we are all converted into dead bodies or whorebodies????????????????

see i m know these are chutiyas
but still i m supporting them anyone else

i m infact .........
one of the founder member

no no
plz dont

for jan lokpal

cos the system will autocorrect
just give it time

boss trust me this jan Lokpal will at least help in improving our live little

dont go with chutias

and i know this PM and judiciry thing they going beyond a point
but i guess we need a better law to procecute and invastigate the officers

yes that is the point they have demeaned them-self .....
they have shot on there own foot

and minsiters

they realise it too

yeah! and i say these are chutiyas and fukras

thats what i am telling as people are getting aware ...

only these son and father and arvind has some base

he sytem is showing sgns of auto-correction

hmmm yaar still situation is too bad

you need time my friend
but dont repeat the same mistake of supporting individual agenda
then the story will be same after some year

you don't know how corrupt mayawati is and she uses the law to bend it for herself and unducated blue brigade vote for her and she comes to power

it is true we might not see a just society bout sure those behind us might if we dont fall prey

i was shocked to know...she declared over 400 crores as gifts from common people and converted into white
will talk may be sometime tomorrrow. if u are early
i need to go
good night

ok bye
be your man sir
not anna's

i m not his
i m a man of myself


and I tell them in the meeting u have group of jobless and useless people supporting u
that is why i m not the face of their team

ha ha

whereas i look after all the ad material

it s a good sign when 1 is lonely

yeah i tell them there is no point tdoing tthis
if u wanna a political party and then claen the nation
and a clean man can never win a election

yes that is the only way they have support like didi but not her dedication or conviction for common good
any way bye lets talk later

:) u see she is a nice woman
and i don;t think she is corrupt as of now
i have met her on few occasion and she is very simple
but don't forget the people around
never the less..see ya dude
good night