It's dangerous to want
a woman
So was
the boy told
who didn't know the measure of gold
how things are bought and sold
how to keep the winds on hold
to rustle up a fire in the cold.
It's dangerous to want
the infant in the crib
he was told
who don't have a shelter to give
milk and honey, bed time fibs.
she belongs to the mother's bosom.
soft and caring ,tender and heave.
It's dangerous to want the
toddler that pees on nappies
scribbles on walls
giggles and wobble
with fits of falls
she is then a grannies call
full of wises with in the walls
so was the boy told.
It is dangerous to want
a bonnie
the boy was told
cause you act funny
looking fr mischief 2 sell a dummy
to keep her at a distance
shan't never be a chummy
Leave her to teachers
to school her some substance.
Its dangerous to want a maiden
so pure and chaste
for some hansome prince
will come in haste
swish her up into a fairytale fest,
to every bodys cheer & rapturous jest.
leaving you lonely,dark & broken
jerred at for the advice not taken.
to keep it on hold.
so was the boy told.
It is dangerous to love a mother
curl up in her warmth & sticking close
makes you kinda soft
for the world 2 rub your nose.
she should tend her other half,
not a shameless full grown cub
prepare for her date with the divine
not pamper the boys recurring crime
so was the boy told
He was told more
how to grow up to be a man.
how to dance to the tick of time.
how to know his bonnies , damsels and dame.
how to drop ancohor & play it tame.
cause it is dangerous to be a boy
it is dangerous not to care
to take destiny by the scarf
and give it a stare
Of course !!!
the boy did'nt heed
did all things opposite
because by the little math he knew
he worked out
how to cage time ,that always flew
so he never grew up
unhappy or old
unlike others
who had the boy sold
who have learned the measure of gold
And of course !!
he wanted a women
head to toe
know her clear & thorough
much.....much more
then those proud show.
Those in a haste to be old
but not to grow.
