Wednesday, April 29, 2009



If wither we knew
where minds dwells
whither in capped tops
or the downward trail .
whither in still lake ?
it's silent veil ?
wither in night time
that rousing swell
wither in spring heads
wither in streams
wither in sea shells
endless dreams
wither in mindless
dolphin's spin
wither in bright paint
splashed by Jim
whither in your frail eyes
that calls for sin ???


Friday, April 10, 2009

Fcuk The Black Seris.

Flowers have no room for geometry or even its traces
They are all mixed up into a singular mess
Geometry makes the landscape
All those lines we use in poems


It's a real revelation of self painting to his poems.
Whose background is the stark dark of our illusory day to day existence
Which he slashes with his realizations of reality .
Beauty of form and shapes are like those of landscape and well structured poetry.But The real divine beauty don't necessary come from shapes and geometry or laws or restrain or care .Welcome to realm of of shapeless, formless,lawless, fearless,careless, limitless hence infinite.Which are so resplendent ,so out of reach to our bridled eyes. Those jaded by the so called realism of mundane existence to survive.So beyond the commons living in the inner circles of society.Perhaps to be enjoyed by only those living on the edge at the out skirts of sanity at least for a while.

You are welcome 2 explore this enigma called Binoy Majumder .
The Definitive Modern Poet.
The Best Of Our Time.
Who lived his entire life on the edge ...
& dared to go beyond with excruciatingly painful consequences
Pursued reason in beauty
analytically...with his mathematical precision
Perhaps in the end went overboard..into insanity...
or into completely another zone of reality beyond our grasp ???
What were his conclusions ???
We will perhaps never know !!!!!
Dont worry HIS lines will haunt you
once you have known them
or even if don't get them
like slashes of white on black
like revelation of reality
you will never know when.
how or why
or you may
Thats HIM.


Saturday, April 4, 2009



anhilation my destiny
fidayeen my name
war thy game

i dont fight the streets
nor in hidden creeks
i dont fight for a badge
nor wish any ravage

don't get me wrong
i do fight my fight
nor for a cause or
so called dream.
nor for that mundane mass
or stupid serene

I fight the shadows
drafts in the the wind
careless rustles
leaves on swing
i fight the rays
in the shaft of a beam
i fight the gasps
in a kettels steam.

i fight
i fight a battle
that rages
with in
a fidayeen
a fida yeen
groans & bruises
the daily grind.



i wnt 2 war
whn supposd to luv

tht mks u call me names
sen 2 correxion dens

u tel me 2 mind my foul mouth
keeep quite
hol my shout...

suits u fine in ur
pacific castle..
which i can't evn behol ..
wi my broken lens.
shit in head

hav no poems in my vein
cos i am at war
whn supposed 2 luv..
no smooth word ...only slur..
cos am at war
